Vote Child Care 2015 Campaign Update

This is an exciting time to be part of the Vote Child Care 2015 campaign!

With the hard work of activists and advocates, parents, ECEs and community members from across Canada, we see child care and family policy becoming a key election issue. 

Now we build momentum.

The goal of the Vote Child Care 2015 campaign is to firmly make child care an election issue, and take action to ensure the next federal government delivers universal, quality child care that is affordable for all families in Canada.

Join us to spring into action for child care with the upcoming Week of Action from May 10 to 17, 2015 - the important first phase of our campaign!

We're here to help you organize or participate in your community. You can now access the Week of Action Tool Kit, Key Messages, Handouts and Sign Up Sheets at !

The Canada-wide Week of Action aims to strengthen our Vote Child Care goals. Together, let's use this week to:

  • Make child care visible in our communities: Raise the profile of the need and support for child care by organizing a community event like a stroller brigade, or coffee party.
  • Expand our base of support: Gathering local contacts and increase ally groups to keep the campaign going and growing until election day (and beyond)
  • Build momentum: Getting supporters engaged in a concrete action to support Vote Child Care!

Together, all across Canada, we can keep child care the minds of the politicians, the voters, and in the media, until Election Day - and energize our communities to vote for quality child care all families can afford!

  • Like and share on Facebook
  • Follow us on Twitter! Join the conversation with #VoteChildCare2015
  • Get in touch with us at to let us know what you're organizing for the Week of Action!

You can now follow child care policy expert and advocate Martha Friendly on Twitter as @_MFriendly! Follow Martha for live Tweets during Tuesday's budget! 
