6th B.C. Regional Triennial Convention - April 25-27, 2014 - Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver B.C.

On behalf of REVP-B.C. Bob Jackson, we are pleased to announce that the 6th B.C. Regional Triennial Convention of the Public Service Alliance of Canada will be held at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, 900 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. from Friday, April 25th to Sunday, April 27th, 2014 under the theme We Are All Affected: Standing Together, Standing Strong.

The Convention will begin at 9:30 AM on Friday, April 25 and will adjourn by 3 PM on Sunday, April 27. Before the Convention starts a new delegate orientation seminar will take place at 8:30 AM on Friday, April 25. In addition, an evening reception will take place on Friday, April 25.

Further details on the Regional Convention and delegate s/election can be found in the Convention Call letter. We will be posting more information and important documents as we move forward with our Convention planning - watch this space!

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact the Office of the REVP-B.C.

Information for guests and observers regarding travel and accommodations.

Guests and observers to the Convention are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. The Convention will begin at 9:30 AM on Friday, April 25 and will adjourn by 3 PM on Sunday, April 27.

A special rate of $165/night (plus applicable taxes) at the Convention Hotel is available, only if booked through the REVP Office. Contact Kristin Schnider to make a booking or for more information.
