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Past Events

1. Approval of previous meeting minutes (Jan. 28, 2015) - attached for your review, changes to be brought up at the meeting
2. Update on committee funding
3. Unfinished/Old Business
- Reports from those who attended CLC Winter School and Activist School
- Regional Survey (update)
- Social Activity (update and planning)
- Fight for $15 Campaign
- Funding for National Convention
4. New business
- BCMYW Swag
- Another Social Activity
5. Adjournment


  • Previous Minutes
  • Financial Update
  • April 19th Event – Sunday Suggestions/Ideas – Action Plan
  • PSAC Ball Tournament – Update
  • Area Council Events/Action Plan 2015 – Suggestions/Ideas
  • Other Items

PLEASE RSVP TO Rosemary by e-mail mackenr@psac.com no later than noon on Monday, March 2, 2015 as food will be ordered

Facilitator: Janelle Ho-Shing

Facilitator: Dave Jackson

Facilitator: Janelle Ho-Shing
