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Past Events

CEIU is hosting a 2 hour labour history walk of downtown Vancouver led by Joey Hartman of the Vancouver & District Labour Council. PSAC members are welcome to join them.

For more information and to RSVP - email Crystal Warner.

Join us for our first meeting of 2015! Come see what the PSAC Young Workers Committees have planned, and add your thoughts, feedback etc. Lets make 2015 the best year yet for our young workers!


  • 2015 planning
  • Presidents report
  • Budget
  • Elections
  • And more…

Please RSVP by February 23 2015 by email to either Liz = Oliphant.liz@gmail.com or Vanessa = millerv@psac.com

Dinner at 5PM, meeting at 5:30PM.


  • Bylaws changes
  • Financial report

Please RSVP to Monica Urrutia with any dietary restrictions prior to February 20th.

Facilitator: Monica Urrutia

Celebrate Black History Month & Chinese New Year!


  • Lunch
  • “Simply the Best” - Cal Best short documentary
  • PSAC Committees and Area Councils
  • PSAC Booklet and Website
  • Education
  • Community Events

Please RSVP by February 12 to Jennifer Chieh Ho at ChiehHJ@psac.com and let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.
