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Past Events

The PSAC BC Region presents: The Activist School

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Tentative Agenda

The next meeting of the BRUSH will be held on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in the Vancouver Regional Office.  Members unable to attend the meeting in Vancouver are welcome to join in the discussion via teleconference. The conference call co-ordinates along with the minutes of the last meeting and the agenda will be forward later.  
If you have any agenda items or discussion items you wish to include in our meeting please let me know and I will arrange to have them added.

This event is intended to engage labour activists, new and experienced, in networking and strategizing towards goals to help strengthen our collective power and to oppose attacks on labour and working people. This panel of keen and dynamic union women leaders will speak about their experiences with union activism. How might we bring our knowledge and experience within our separate locals together to strengthen our strategies towards common goals? What stands in the way of building our capacity? What strengths do we currently hold that might be better utilized through collective actions?

Facilitator: Dave Jackson
