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Past Events

Facilitator: Dave Jackson

Grievance Handling (GH)

Save the date! Agenda and details coming soon.

The PSAC/Nav Canada bargaining team reached a tentative agreement on October 27th and a ratification vote has been scheduled for PSAC/UCTE Local 20222 members.

Bargaining Team Member, Michelle Webster and UCTE RVP-Pacific, Dave Clark, will be on hand to answer any questions.

The ratification kit is available at the national website.


Join PSAC BC for a night of short films that tell the stories of workers – unionised and non-unionised – networking, refreshments, and discussion.

Free! Everyone Welcome!

Space is limited, please RSVP by November 5thto Jennifer Chieh Ho at chiehhj@psac.com

The Prince George Regional Women's Committee will meet at 5PM with a Prince George Area Council meeting to follow at 6PM.
Agenda for Regional Women's Committee - Elections for chair, secretary and treasurer.  

Agenda items for Area Council - upcoming municipal elections; North Central Labour Council endorsed candidates; We Are All Affected info session, Nov 15th.

Pls RSVP to Parveen at parveendeepak@hotmail.com or text at 250-614-3325.
