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Past Events

Facilitator: Janelle Ho-Shing

Join your union for halloween treats, hear a bargaining update from your team, and meet your
local PSAC Regional Council members.


Spread the word! Download a poster below ...

Are you an Aboriginal, Inuit or Métis PSAC member who would like to learn more about your union?  

If yes, we invite you to apply for the PSAC BC National Aboriginal Peoples’ Circle (NAPC) course.

Find out more, and register online here.

For more information, visit www.peaceforumteachin.org

This is a notice of meeting that the Vancouver Area Council will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at the Vancouver Regional Office (#200 - 5238 Joyce Street).
1. Previous minutes (draft attached, please raise changes needed, if any, at the meeting)
2. Guest speaker - John Wilson, PSAC Negotiator for SV group
3. President's Report
4. Treasurer's Report
-financial statement for 2013-2014
-budget for 2014-2015
5. Affiliate Reports
