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Past Events

Reminder – affiliation dues from your local are due at the meeting or before, in order to vote or run for an Executive position.    Cheques to be made payable to Victoria Area Council. Dues are $0.25/member/year.


1.  Call to order

2.  Election of VAC Executive

3.  Election of VAC Delegate to PSAC Triennial Convention

4.  Treasury Board negotiations – update

The next meeting of the BRUSH will be held on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the Vancouver Regional Office.  Members unable to attend the meeting in Vancouver are welcome to join in the discussion via teleconference.


  • Meeting at 6:00 PM - for PSAC young workers
  • Film Showing: “Miss Representation” at 6:30 PM (Open to all PSAC members)

“Jennifer Siebel Newsom’s documentary, Miss Representation…drives the point home that young girls in America cannot find appropriate role models in popular culture. “Media is the message,” is the overriding theme of Newsom’s excellent film. Miss Representation helped me see how a seemingly harmless act – watching reality TV – can contribute to a culture that fails to embrace women as the equal of men.”

Join us for lunch & an ice-cream, hear a bargaining update from your team, and meet your local PSAC Regional Council members.

Spread the word! Download a poster below!

Facilitator: Robert Strang

Understanding and Interpreting the CA
