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Past Events

Get an update on the current round of bargaining with Treasury Board and have your bargaining-related questions answered.

Meetings on the half hour between 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM

Speakers: Robert Strang, PSAC Regional Rep, Harold Larson, TB Negotiating Team member

Get an update on the current round of bargaining with Treasury Board and have your bargaining-related questions answered.

Meetings on the half hour between 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM

Speakers: Deanna Kimball, PSAC Regional Rep, Melvin Dureen, TB Negotiating Team, and Bob Jackson, PSAC Regional VP

Get an update on the current round of bargaining with Treasury Board and have your bargaining-related questions answered.

Meetings on the half hour between 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM

Speakers: Robert Strang, PSAC Regional Rep, others TBA

Get an update on the current round of bargaining with Treasury Board and have your bargaining-related questions answered.

Meetings on the half hour between 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM

Speakers: Deanna Kimball, PSAC Regional Rep, Jessica Kerek, TB Negotiating Team, and Bob Jackson, PSAC Regional VP
