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Past Events

In 2009, Dr. Brian Day, owner of Vancouver’s for-profit Cambie Surgery Centre and the leading proponent of privatized health care, launched a constitutional challenge to break Medicare via the courts and establish a US-style system in Canada. Parties in the case, including the BC Government, are calling this the most significant constitutional challenge in Canadian history. This case goes to trial in 2014 in BC Supreme Court.

Learn more about the BC Health Coalition’s campaign to defeat this constitutional challenge.

Last offer vote meeting for members working at Canada Post.

Last offer vote meeting for members working at Canada Post.

Facilitator: Janelle Ho-Shing

Public Speaking For Trade Unionists

One of the biggest fears people have is speaking in public. As trade union activists you will have many opportunities to do so, especially as we approach our conventions. Learn how to do it effectively and with the minimum amount of anxiety. The course will provide you with some hints to help you overcome your fears and assist you to learn how to speak in public effectively.

Facilitator: Janelle Ho-Shing

Facing Management (FM)
