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Past Events


Meeting includes: Dinner, Desert and non-alcoholic beverage. Please RSVP and send agenda items to: Melvin Dureen, Sue Wilmshurst or Nancy Burton.

PSAC will be holding a caucus meetin of all PSAC delegates & observers at the upcoming CLC Convention in Montreal. As well as reviewing the key issues and resolutions for Convention, we will be joined by candidates seeking election to CLC positions.


  • Review of minutes from AGM January 25,  2014
  • Financial Report -  Sharon VanderDonck
  • Request for dues
  • President’s Report – Tom Hopkins
  • Political Action
  • Upcoming Events
  • Roundtable and Members concerns

Contact: Tom Hopkins - President
Work: 250-283-7171
Home: hoptomhop@shaw.ca
Work: tom.hopkins@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Coffee and muffins available.   We hope to see you there!

Facilitator: Dave Jackson

Grievance Handling (GH)
