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Past Events

Dinner at 5 pm, meeting to start at 5:30 pm.
Agenda to include:
  • Previous minutes
  • President's Report
  • Treasurer's Report
    • financial statement for 2011-2012
    • budget for 2012-2013
  • Affiliate reports
  • Area Council Executive Elections
  • TC bargaining team member - Tom Hopkins
  • Round

Locals/Branches affiliated to the Area Council, or who wish to affiliate, should bring their annual dues and send their delegates to participate in this meeting.


  • Review of Sept AGM minutes
  • Update on Dec 6th
  • Women’s History Month
  • Education
  • WFA Impacts
  • Childcare

Please R.S.V.P by email to either Rosemary at mackenr@psac.com or Virginia at vaillav@psac.com no later than noon on October 23, 2012 as snacks will be provided

Facilitator: Monica Urrutia

Facilitator: Colette Savarie

Members unable to attend the meeting in Vancouverare welcome to join in the discussion via teleconference, for information email LittleJ@psac-afpc.com.

