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Past Events

Facilitator: Regina Brennan

Agenda: TBA

PLEASE RSVP TO: Rosemary by e-mail mackenr@psac.com no later than noon on June 4, 2012 as food will be ordered

Facilitator: Dave Jackson

After Meeting: 

  • Visit the Farmers Market next door and buy local to support our area.  Think Green.  Buy Fresh at our Market.
  • Fort George Park walk:  Get some exercise and enjoy a walk in the park after our meeting.  Lets hope we get no more summer snow!

For more information, or to RSVP, contact Patt Holmes

Did you know that Vancouver is the only city in Canada to integrate city, school and parks resources to directly invest in creating new child care spaces? But even with municipal leadership, the lack of adequate federal or provincial funding means that child care spaces are hard to find in Vancouver, and the costs of child care con­tinue to rise.
