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Past Events

You have rights and options under your collective agreement!

Pizza and refreshments will be provided - please RSVP to: Anthony Paller at antonypaller@shaw.ca or call 604 316-8384

Agenda: Elections, Guest Speaker, Vision and Mission of Committee

Lunch provided from 12 noon - 12: 30 p.m.

Please RSVP or for more information, contact Jennifer Chieh Ho at: hoj@psac.com or Cheryl Oenema at: OenemaC@psac.com

The Protein for People Project is a communtiy outreach project by BC Unions in partnership with food banks - join them for a free BBQ and kid's play zone, featuring info on employment rights, housing options, public health care, and childcare. More info: www.proteinproject.ca

Join us to celebrate National Aboriginal Day, June 21st.

  • Review of previous minutes
  • Information on PSAC Summer Activities and HRC Participation
  • Barbecue at 6:15

Please RSVP to Garry Fraser


  • Introductions
  • Review & Approval May Minutes
  • BC Fed Women's Rights Committee Meeting Overview
  • Pride Parade & Festival
  • Guest speaker - Women's Health
  • Lobbying MP's - Need volunteers
  • Young Workers Regional Conference
  • Next Meeting Dates

Please R.S.V.P by email to either Rosemary at mackenr@psac.com or Virginia at vaillav@psac.com no later than 4:00 pm on June 20, 2012 as food and other items need to be
