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Past Events

The "We are All Affected" Campaign is coming to Campbell River!

The Northern Vancouver island Area Council will have a booth in the community corner at Logger Sports day Aug.10-11th in Campbell River.

Please encourage your members to come and visit us - August 10th from 3PM to 7PM and August 11 from 11AM to 5PM.

For more information, contact Tom Hopkins

Pete Pinlac, union leader of MAKABAYAN (Workers for People’s Liberation), a union central in the Philippines which includes unions from the communications workers, teachers and industrial and agricultural unions, will be visiting Vancouver and wishes to share the current trade union and social movement update on the Philippines with fellow trade unionists.


  • Election of Officer - Treasurer
  • We Are All Affected Campaign

PSAC BC will be marching with the Multi-Union Pride contingent at this year's Pride Parade in Vancouver. Everyone welcome!

The parade gathering place is on Thurlow between Barclay and Haro streets, at the front of section C. (Ask a Pride Parade marshal if you are unsure of where exactly to go).

Join PSAC BC at Riverboat Days in Terrace - we'll be there talking to the public about federal public services and our We Are All Affected campaign. For more information or to get involved with our booth, email braggp@psac.com

event info: http://www.riverboatdays.ca/
