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Past Events


Limited seating, by donation.

Any unions or groups wishing to arrange a meeting with Pete Pinlac on August 3, 7, 8 or 9 should contact Bill Saunders at Bill256@me.com


Jose Eleuterio (Pete) Pinlac, a trade union leader from the Philippines, will in Vancouver in August on route to attend a conference in Toronto. Pete is an experienced and dynamic union leader, a very articulate activist and well informed on the current situation in the Philippines.

Sanctuary Health will be holding a candlelight vigil to bring awareness to migrants and refugees who will not have access to health care as a result of the recent Interim Federal Health Care Cuts that were implemented on June 30, 2012.

The next Vancouver Area Council meeting will be Thursday, July 26 at 5:30pm, light dinner will be served at 5:00. Please RSVP with any accommodation or dietary requirements or to suggest additional agenda items.


  • Budget Cuts and We Are All Affected campaign.
  • VAC summer events
  • VAC Bbq, August 19
  • AGM
  • Convention Report
Resistance, Refugees, Rights and Return, the Vancouver Delegation to Gaza, composed of 9 Vancouver-based activists, traveled to Gaza in June 2012. As part of our delegation, we met with health work, refugee rights, BDS, women's, students, labour and youth organizations with a goal of building links between progressive movements here and the Palestinian revolutionary left. Read delegates reports' at Vancouver2Gaza and This Tiny Globe.

The Northern Vancouver Island Area Council is sponsoring a "We are all Affected" event on Fri. July 20  and Sat. July 21. We'll be there talking to the public about the effects of federal government cuts.
