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Past Events

Family-friendly festivities! Bring your neighbours, banners and drums!

Facilitator: Colette Savarie

PSAC BC Region Young Worker’s Caucus invites you!


  • Resolutions to the upcoming
  • PSAC Triennial Convention
  • Upcoming Federal Budget (March 29th)
  • Standing Up for Public Service Campaign

Please RSVP to Rosemary at mackenr@psac.com no later than March 12, 2012 at noon as food will be ordered

Celebrate International Women's Day with our 25th Annual Equality Breakfast

This year West Coast LEAF will host Chantal Hebert as our 2012 Equality Breakfast keynote speaker. Considered by many to be Canada's best political columnist, Hebert writes for the Toronto Star and Le Devoir.

WHEN: Tuesday March 13th, 2012, 7:00-9:30 AM

WHERE: Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, 900 West Georgia Street, Vancouver
