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Past Events

Forward any agenda items to Nia Gillies gillien@psac-afpc.com no later than July 16, 2019.

Current agenda items include:

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Approval of previous minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Update
  4. Pride debrief
  5. What events and/or human rights issues to focus on this year
  6. Other

We look forward to welcoming any and all PSAC members who have an interest in Human Rights!  (Light snacks will be served)


  • Adoption of Agenda
  • Adoption of Previous Minutes (May 23rd)
  • Finances
  • Saanich Fair
  • Commissionaires Bargaining Update
  • NPSW, Day of Action, Bargaining Meeting updates
  • Discussion of possible resolutions to Triennial
  • Round Table

Please RSVP no later than Tuesday July 9, 2019 to

Rosemary MacKenzie  mackenr@psac.com so that sufficient food items can be arranged.   

Join PSAC's Vancouver Island Human Rights Committee to support and celebrate the LGBT2Q+ community on Vancouver Island! People of all genders and sexualities are welcome.
Pride Parade and FestivalVictoria, July 7

In advance of the upcoming federal election the Agriculture Union are sponsoring a federal candidate’s forum in Kelowna.

This is your opportunity to meet local candidates and ask them where they and their parties stand on issues that are important in your community and to PSAC members. Confirmed participants to date include Travis Ashley, Green Party of Canada, Justin Kulik, New Democratic Party of Canada, and Mary Ann Murphy, Liberal Party of Canada.

Meetings will take place 9-10AM, 12-2PM, and 5-7PM

The ratification kit will be available and the bargaining team will make a presentation and answer questions. 
