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Past Events


  • Standing Agenda items as well as
  • Finances
  • Area Council Affiliation dues
  • Event planning for 2019

Please RSVP no later than Tuesday May 21, 2019 to Rosemary MacKenzie  mackenr@psac.com so we can plan for food.

Proposed Agenda Items

  1. Call to Order
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Previous Minutes
  4. Budget – 2019
  5. BC Regional Women’s Conference
  6. Old Business  
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment

If you have any items you wish to have included on the agenda, please send them along with your RSVP by May 17, 2019 to nancysermons@gmail.com or mackenr@psac-afpc.com

For more information about the East Fraser Valley Area Council email Antony Paller at antony.paller@gmail.com. Please RSVP to Vic Johal to confirm attendance by 4 pm, May 14th, 2019.

Proposed Agenda

  • Introductions
  • Indigenous Acknowledgement
  • Discussion on bylaws
  • Political action
  • Labour Day Event
  • Next meeting dates
  • Round Table

Forward any agenda items to Nia Gillies gillien@psac-afpc.com no later than May 08, 2019.

Current agenda items include:

Dinner is at 5:30 pm and the meeting starts at 6 pm.

During dinner we will have guest presenters from the Vancouver & District Labour Council and the New Westminster & District Labour Council.

Tentative agenda (please send in any other items you wish to be added):
