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Past Events

PSAC is scheduling meetings for members in the PA, TC, SV and EB groups across BC in May and June. This is your opportunity to meet with and speak to members of the Treasury Board bargaining team, hear an update on the status of negotiations, and ask questions.

We have scheduled a remote meeting via Skype/Phone, June 26 7PM - 8PM for members who were unable to come to one of the in-person meetings

Call in details:

The next meeting of the BRUSH Committee will be held on Wednesday, June 26 at 5:30pm in the Vancouver Regional Office at 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver BC in the 2nd floor boardroom.

Please RSVP to Sharon Barbour by June 21 (barbous@psac-afpc.com) if you plan to attend the meeting in person. Members unable to attend the meeting in Vancouver are welcome to join in the discussion via teleconference.

Conference call coordinates and the Agenda to come!

Mark your calendars! An agenda and more information will be available closer to the date. Participation via conference call will also be available. Please RSVP to Ron Hardy - ronhardy@hotmail.com.

The West Fraser Valley Area Council has scheduled a the next meeting for June 24th 5:30PM at the Knight and Day Restaurant, 9677 King George Boulevard, Surrey.

PSAC's Mainland Human Rights Committee is hosting a booth at the National Indigenous People's Day celebration at Trout Lake in Vancouver, June 21. Join us, community groups, and other unions at this day of events set to showcase and celebrate the diversity of Indigenous people across Canada.
