PSAC Mainland & Haida Gwaii Young Workers’ Committee meeting

March 25, 2019
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
PSAC Vancouver Regional Office - 200 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)

Dinner at 6PM, meeting at 6:30PM.


  1. Introductions
  2. Review of Meeting Minutes from December 5th, 2018 Meeting
  3. Old Business
    • Community Outreach Activity – Period Promise (organised via Neal Adolph, Director of CLC Labour Participation Department of United Way). Confirm Period Promise Date
    • Spring Social
    • Confirm outreach e-mail logistics
    • Posters + Promotional Materials to promote awareness of MHGYWC – (Review draft poster)
    • Young Worker Representative Engagement with MHGYWC:
      • Encourage all committee members to reach out to Local Young Worker Reps to attend MHGYWC – invite by email or mobile number into WhatsApp group
      • Encourage all committee members who don’t have a Young Worker Rep position at their local to request one at their local’s AGM – Young Worker Representative Description of Duties sent out via email, available at the meeting as a print-out.
      • Send out MHGYWC poster and “Young Workers Representative Description of Duties” note
  4. New Business
    • Camp Jubilee
    • Summer Social/Event
    • Connecting with YMAGIN
  5. Roundtable