February 26, 2014
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
PSAC Vancouver RO - 5238 Joyce Street - Third Floor, Vancouver, BC
(Map)Proposed Agenda
- Previous Minutes
- Motion to purchase a table for the IWD Dinner 07Mar2014 – Vancouver, BC (Jessica K.)
- Honorarium for RWC Delegate to PSAC BC Regional Convention (Jessica K.)
- New alternate for PSAC BC Regional Convention
- “Kick up your Heels” IWD event – Surrey, BC (Sargy C.)
- Facebook page for the VWRC committee (Crystal W.)
- Other Business/Round table
Please RSVP and send agenda items to Jessica Kerek at jessica_kerek@hotmail.com Food restrictions/allergies to Crystal Warner at crystalmwarner@gmail.com by 21 Feb 2014.