Happy International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women’s Day, sisters and brothers!

Tomorrow, people around the world will take the opportunity to celebrate women's leadership, and the difference women make in our communities and society every day.

PSAC members, in particular, have much to be proud of and to celebrate on International Women’s Day.

From the ground breaking strike by women public service workers in the CR group in 1980, which paved the way for pay equity, to the 2014 Johnstone decision, which found that employers have a duty to accommodate workers that need childcare, our union has been at the forefront in the fight for women’s equality and human rights.

I invite and encourage all members to continue this proud tradition by getting involved in PSAC’s campaigns: whether it be justice for Aboriginal women, the domestic violence at work campaign, or the struggle for better childcare, we all have a role to play when it comes to equality.

For more information about these campaigns visit psacbc.com or contact my office.

Together we will continue to find ways to challenge inequality and ensure all women and men benefit equally from better working conditions, better work/life balance and full respect for their human rights. 

In Solidarity,

Bob Jackson, Regional Executive VP, PSAC BC
