Langara College 4th Annual Sustainability and Equality Event - Building the Bridge to a Future Where People and Nature Flourish

July 6, 2013
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Langara College (Cafeteria) 100 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC (Map)

A day of dialogue, sharing ideas and experiences, and connecting with a wide range of activists.

9:30 Opening Speaker: John Millar (Chair of First Call BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition) on “Inequality: Bad for You, Children, Society and the Environment”

Followed by roundtables on:      

  • The Myths of the ‘Economy’
  • Needed: Fundamental and System Transformation
  • Building for Real Changes

Presenters include Karen Cooling (CEP) Paul Finch (BCGEU), Kathryn Cholette (Village Vancouver), Jack Hall (Kids for Climate Justice), Alexandra Henao (Agricultural Workers Alliance) & Bill Hopwood (Raise the Rates)

4:30 Closing Session: Movements Make Change

Admission by Donation: Suggested: Regular $40, Reduced $20 – 0, no one turned away for lack of funds

Includes Lunch and Refreshments

To register contact Judi Piggott:, 604 323-5931

For more information check or facebook: or Contact Judi Piggott:, 604 323-5931

Supported By: BCGEU, SPARC BC, Village Vancouver, Unitarian Social Justice Committee, UFCW 1518, CEP, Forest Ethics Advocacy
