Sisters In Sprit Vigils

October 4, 2014
(All day)
Country-Wide, Country-Wide, BC (Map)

October 4th is a day where we honour the lives of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls. The violence experienced by Aboriginal women and girls in Canada is a national tragedy. We must take the time to give thanks to the families who are our reason we all continue to demand action.

A vigil can take many forms, from a moment of silence to a rally to a community feast. All that is important is that you take some time on or around October 4th to mark the day.

We firmly believe that the October 4th Sisters In Spirit Vigils are a movement for social change. The number of SIS Vigils has grown from 11 in 2006 to an impressive 216 vigils in 2014.

Visit for a list of vigil locations in BC and across the country.