Support Your Bargaining Teams! National Day of Action

June 8, 2016
(All day)
PSAC Worksites, Province Wide, BC (Map)


JUNE 8th - Support your bargaining teams!

PSAC’s Treasury Board bargaining teams are back at the bargaining table June 18th. The outcome of Treasury Board bargaining will set a pattern for others. We need to send a message to the Liberal government before bargaining resumes in June that we expect a fair contract. This is why PSAC Branches and Locals across the country will be organizing actions in support of our teams on June 8th. By joining together with the members of other federal public service unions on that day, we can send a strong message to the Liberal government that we want a fair collective agreement, without sick leave concessions.

The new Liberal government promised respect for federal public service employees. It said it would do things differently than the former Conservative government. Yet, it has been more than six months since the Liberals were elected and there has been no meaningful progress at any of the federal bargaining tables. Treasury Board negotiators are still pushing the Conservative’s proposal to replace our sick leave with a short term disability plan and they have proposed the same 0.5% per-year wage increase as the Conservative government. This does not reflect the cost of living and fair wage increases. The Liberals have also failed to restore fair collective bargaining by refusing to repeal the unfair labour laws passed by the Conservatives.

Why is action needed?

PSAC’s bargaining teams have been at the bargaining table with Treasury Board three times since the new government came into power. We are also in bargaining with Parks Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and an important vote is underway at CRA. We need to tell the government to come to the table with new proposals – not recycled Conservative messages. A new government should give itself a new mandate.

The outcome of Treasury Board bargaining will set a pattern for others.  We need to send a message to the Liberal government before bargaining resumes in June that we expect a fair contract.

It’s time for All members to send a message!

  • Contact your Local Executive or your Regional Office in BC to find out what is planned for your workplace on June 8th. Events are being planned across the province.
  • RSVP and invite your co-workers at the facebook event page.
  • On June 8th, join together with members of all federal unions and show the Liberal government you expect it to live up to its promise of respect.
  • Take some photos of your event and email them to, tag PSAC BC on facebook, or tweet @psacbc - let's show the rest of the country and the Liberal government that members in BC are strong and united and that we expect a fair contract from our employers.
  • Sign up for the PSAC BC email list to receive more information about June 8th and bargaining updates for your unit.