PSAC BC Mainland & Haida Gwaii Young Workers Committee meeting

April 25, 2018
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
PSAC Vancouver RO - 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)

As always, dinner will be provided for the MHGYWC meeting. Please RSVP to Jessica Gray by text message (604-724-7447) to confirm attendance and to let Jessica know if you have any dietary restrictions. Thank you!


  1. Introductions
  2. Review of Meeting Minutes from January 17th, 2018 (Damir)
  3. President's Report (Damir)
    • The committee can take steps to engage + support Young Worker Representatives across PSAC + Component Locals
    • Introduce "A Guide to Involving Young Workers" - to be made available at all future MHGYWC meetings
    • Encourage all committee members to reach out to their Local Young Worker Representative (if they have one) and encourage them to attend MHGYWC
    • Encourage all committee members who don't have a Young Worker Representative position at their local to request one at AGM
  4. Old Business:
    • Days of Caring Community Outreach Activity - Cancelled (Sky)
    • Donation of $50 made to Bright Beginnings Foundation (Sky)
    • 2018 Spring Social: Bowling Night at Grandview Lanes – April 18th cancelled due to low RSVP, new date in May to be decided at meeting (Damir, Jessica)
  5. New Business:
    • Define “member outreach” line item for expenditures
    • Define “community events” line item for expenditures
    • Reschedule Community Outreach Activity (Sky)
    • Connect with employer-based Young Worker Committees:
      • Governexx
      • YMAGIN (Service Canada)
      • Young Professionals Network (CRA), etc.
    • Posters + Promotional Materials to promote awareness of MHGYWC
    • Discussion/Feedback about WhatsApp Group vs. Facebook Group
    • Loblaws 25$ Gift Card campaign
    • Suggestions for yearly donation
  6. Roundtable