Mainland Haida Gwaii Young Workers’ Committee Spring Social

June 21, 2018
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Grandview Lanes Bowling 2195 Commercial Drive, Vancouver (Corner of Commercial and East 6th Avenue, 5 min walk from Commercial-Broadway Skytrain Station), Vancouver, BC (Map)

Calling all Young Workers! Come to the Mainland Haida Gwaii Young Workers’ Committee Spring Social!

This Year's Event: Bowling Night @ Grandview Lanes Bowling! Corner of Commercial Drive and East 6th Avenue, 5 minute walk from Commercial Skytrain Station

6:00 PM—7:00 PM 5-PIN GLOW Bowling (Upstairs)

7:00 PM—8:00 PM 10-PIN Bowling & Food/Drinks (Downstairs)

RSVP via Eventbrite:
