Vancouver Regional Women's Committee meeting

May 28, 2020
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
conference call, conference call, BC (Map)

The meeting will take place via teleconference call only. Please RSVP and call-in coordinates will be provided to you at that time.

Tentative Agenda (please send in your additions):

  • Welcome
  • Minutes
    • 5 Feb 2020 AGM draft minutes
  • Ratify motions made in between meetings
    • motion for up to 10 tickets to Stand! movie
    • motion to pay for Van RWC delegate $150 fee to BC Regional Convention
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Committee Business
    • arising from previous minutes
    • draft terms of reference clarification 
    • PSAC National President’s clarification on quorum and voting for Regional Committees 
  • Next meeting date

Please RSVP to Monica Urrutia to confirm your attendance and to receive the call-in coordinates.
