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Information and support for PSAC members.

May 27, 2020 - 2:13pm •
By the end of this discussion you will understand the basic steps in refusing dangerous work. We will talk about some of the challenges in work refusals for ‘invisible’ dangers like COVID-19, and answer participant’s questions about work refusals. PSAC BC members in federally and provincially regulated workplaces and members of your household are welcome to participate.
May 21, 2020 - 1:50pm •
PSAC BC has scheduled a webinar on returning to work after the pandemic. In order to accommodate members' schedules, this webinar will be delivered twice   Session 1 – Tuesday, June 9 at 6:00 pm (1 hour) register online here  Session 2 – Wednesday, June 10 at 12:00 pm (noon) (1 hour) register online here Returning to Work & Covid-19; Family and Health Barriers
May 20, 2020 - 11:59am •
PSAC BC has scheduled a webinar on the right to refuse. In order to accommodate members' schedules, this webinar will be delivered twice
May 14, 2020 - 10:49am •
A recording of the webinar delivered by PSAC BC containing a general overview of ergonomic issues for members teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic.
May 4, 2020 - 9:55am •
May 4, 2020 - 9:51am •
The coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) is causing stress and anxiety for many of us. As a result of this virus, our habits and ways of doing things have changed drastically and suddenly. COVID-19 has also plunged us into a period of uncertainty. In this context, it is normal to try to understand what is happening to us and to want to find ways to manage the situation.PSAC in the NCR, Quebec and the Atlantic are teaming up to offer a webinar presentation on this topic and members in BC are invited to join in.


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