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Political Action

Our union, along with concerned Canadians in communities across the country, has been working hard to save public services and protect jobs. We are all affected by cuts to services, and we must all take action to defend the public services PSAC members provide to Canadians.

This section contains news and information about PSAC's political action program in British Columbia. Visit the national website for background and more information on our campaigns.

September 1, 2011 - 12:00am •
On this Labour Day, the Public Service Alliance of Canada commits to building a people's movement to defend public services, reaching out to allies across Canada.
August 5, 2011 - 10:24am •
The Harper government is demonstrating its disregard for the environment and for essential public services by cutting hundreds of jobs at Environment Canada.
July 6, 2011 - 2:48pm •
Learn how to effectively use social media and new online media tools by registering for this free online training offered by the BC Federation of Labour.
June 29, 2011 - 12:45pm •
PSAC members have the right to promote and build our union in the workplace. Members have the right to be kept informed on the employer’s premises during non-work time, before or after shifts and during paid or unpaid breaks and lunch periods. This is the law.
June 23, 2011 - 12:00am •
Despite the gray weather PSAC BC launched the popular “Think Public!” summer campaign at Car Free Day on Commercial Drive in Vancouver last weekend. REVP Bob Jackson marched in the Langley City Parade, and had an opportunity to meet with MP Mark Warawa to talk about how the government’s plan to cut program spending will affect public public services and the workers that provide them in Langley.


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