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Applications for the 2016 PSAC Scholarship Program are now open.

To: PSAC Locals in the B.C. Region

  • Registration deadline: Thursday, April 14, 2016 (note extension)
  • Conference dates: May 13-15, 2016
  • Planned conference location: Hilton Vancouver Metrotown, 6083 McKay Avenue, Burnaby (pending the outcome of negotiations between the hotel and UNITE HERE Local 40).

This registration package includes:

PSAC staff in BC are in the process of planning the PSAC course offerings in BC over the next 3 year cycle and would appreciate input from PSAC members. We invite all members in the province to complete the BC Region Education Survey.

The federal budget included a positive statement about bargaining: “The government is committed to negotiating in good faith to reach agreements that are fair for public service employees and Canadians.”

The Liberals re-stated that they have introduced legislation to repeal the Conservative law that gave the government the power to make unilateral changes to sick leave. The budget also reiterated their decision not to book savings from the elimination of sick leave in advance of negotiations.

The Public Service Alliance of Canada welcomes the new government’s move away from austerity and its commitment to invest to improve the lives of Canadians, at least in the immediate future.

“Federal public service workers want to deliver on commitments made in the federal budget. That requires departments having the resources they need to serve Canadians,” said Robyn Benson, PSAC National President.

VANCOUVER, March 21, 2016 /CNW/ - The Public Service Alliance of Canada BC Region is calling on Finance Minister Bill Morneau to create real change by reinvesting in the federal public service for the immediate benefit of British Columbians.

"We urgently need to see a new approach from this government. The Liberal election platform promised to improve the quality of public services, including reducing wait times and increasing access to in-person services. We will hold them to that," said Bob Jackson, PSAC Regional Executive Vice President for BC.
