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The PSAC BC Mainland Human Rights Committee would like to invite PSAC members and Locals to participate in a campaign to gather items to support our new neighbours arriving from Syria. The Human Rights Committee has partnered with the Immigrant Services Society of BC to join their Family Basket campaign. ISSBC is in need of household items, basic toiletries, grocery store voucher cards, and food.

The Public Service Alliance of Canada, along with 80 other Canadian organizations and institutions condemn the assassination of Berta Cáceres, general coordinator and co-founder of the National Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras. Berta was assassinated on March 3 in La Esperanza, Intibuca after several individuals broke into the house where she was staying and shot and killed her. We call on the government of Canada to condemn the murder, and to call on the Honduran government to support an independent, international investigation into the murder.

Happy International Women’s Day, sisters and brothers!

Tomorrow, people around the world will take the opportunity to celebrate women's leadership, and the difference women make in our communities and society every day.

PSAC members, in particular, have much to be proud of and to celebrate on International Women’s Day.
