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The team reminded Treasury Board that we intend to resolve long-standing workplace problems and make gains during this round of Collective Bargaining, and that we will not negotiate concessions.

Welcome to the new and improved PSAC BC Regional website!

As you can see we’ve made some changes.

We’ve updated the engine that runs psacbc.com and given the site a cleaner, more modern look. Other than the look of things, the biggest change you’ll notice is the on the home page, where information is sorted into various topics, laid out better and (hopefully) easier to find.

Many thanks to Kelly Megyesi, BC Regional Council Womens Coordinator for this report from the PSAC BC Okanagan Human Rights Committee "Taste Of Justice" dinner for Amnesty International.

The PSAC Okanagan Human Rights Committee kicked off their first function with an Amnesty Dinner - Taste of Justice (view the program below).

Many thanks to Jennifer Ho, Co-Chair of the Vancouver Regional Women's Committee for this report.

UBC student Rumana Monzur was reportedly attacked by her husband during a recent trip home to Dhaka, Bangladesh. She lost her eyesight and had her face badly injured.

Your team met with the Parks Canada Agency on Thursday June 29th to exchange bargaining demands - more at the national website.

PSAC members have the right to promote and build our union in the workplace. Members have the right to be kept informed on the employer’s premises during non-work time, before or after shifts and during paid or unpaid breaks and lunch periods. This is the law.
