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Treasury Board

There are approximately 12,000 PSAC members in BC who work for the Treasury Board, in a huge variety of jobs. Here is a collection of news and bargaining information related to Treasury Board. For more information visit the national website.

June 30, 2015 - 11:55am •
PSAC is opposed to the government’s new security screening policy — which includes credit checks and fingerprinting of public service employees — and will be challenging it. We are currently gathering evidence to file a court challenge and a privacy complaint with the Privacy Commissioner’s office. “We are concerned that these checks will be an unwarranted gross violation of personal privacy and they could put people's livelihoods in jeopardy without cause. We are also fearful that the policy could be applied in an arbitrary way," said PSAC President Robyn Benson.
June 30, 2015 - 11:53am •
Today, the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) has taken the first step in its legal challenge against Bill C-59, the legislation that is gutting the collective bargaining rights of federal public service workers. The PSAC filed its constitutional challenge to Bill C-59 in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
June 22, 2015 - 9:58am •
The Treasury Board bargaining teams returned to Ottawa June 15-19 to continue working towards their next collective agreement. The following are the common issues that each table addressed Sick leave
June 18, 2015 - 2:36pm •
Vancouver - Members of the three largest unions in the federal government, the Public Service Alliance of Canada; the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada; and Canadian Association of Professional Employees, will gather to rally on Friday, June 19th, 12PM at Library Square in Vancouver. Federal workers across Canada have been holding actions during National Public Service Week, calling on the government to respect the constitutional rights of federal employees.
June 3, 2015 - 4:29pm •
Members of the Customs and Immigration Union, the Component Union of the Public Service Alliance of Canada that represents over 1,600 workers at the Canadian Border Services Agency in BC, are travelling from locations across the Lower Mainland and Southern Interior to leaflet and rally against Bill C-59 on Thursday, June 4 at 10 AM at Deltaport. PSAC/CIU members working at CBSA are holding actions across Canada on June 4, calling on the government to respect the constitutional rights of federal employees.
May 21, 2015 - 12:19pm •
Are you upset about the government’s interference in the collective bargaining process and its latest attempt to curb our right to free collective bargaining? PSAC members in BC rallied on Monday to send a message to the government - legislating any changes to collective agreements is not acceptable!
May 15, 2015 - 5:07pm •
OTTAWA, May 15, 2015 /CNW/ - Canada's 18 federal public service unions met earlier this week to decide their next move in response to the tabling of Division 20 of Bill C-59, the Budget Implementation Act (BIA), which gives the government the authority to unilaterally amend the sick leave provisions of the collective agreements covering employees of the core public service.
May 12, 2015 - 9:32pm •
PSAC bargaining teams for the core public administration and separate agencies met today to discuss their response to the government’s decision to gut collective bargaining rights in the recently tabled Budget Implementation Act. Bargaining teams all decided to postpone this week’s round of negotiations in order to assess the implications of the government’s violation of our members’ rights, and evaluate all possible actions to defend them.
April 23, 2015 - 9:27pm •
PSAC has been in the media a fair amount over the past couple of days with reaction to the government's announcement that it plans to eliminate the existing sick leave provisions for federal public service workers, whether or not an agreement is reached at the bargaining table. Here's a media round-up. CBC's Power & Politics - Interview with Robyn Benson, PSAC National President (skip to 26:55 in the clip)
April 22, 2015 - 5:01pm •
The federal government announced in the budget that it plans to eliminate the existing sick leave provisions for federal public service workers, whether or not an agreement is reached at the bargaining table. All PSAC members should know that our union will not be intimidated by this threat.  Any move by the government to make unilateral changes to our collective agreement is a violation of our constitutional Charter rights to bargain collectively without government interference.


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