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Political Action

Our union, along with concerned Canadians in communities across the country, has been working hard to save public services and protect jobs. We are all affected by cuts to services, and we must all take action to defend the public services PSAC members provide to Canadians.

This section contains news and information about PSAC's political action program in British Columbia. Visit the national website for background and more information on our campaigns.

February 3, 2015 - 12:00am •
January 29, 2015 - 1:05pm •
PSAC members across BC are organizing bargaining solidarity events - standing together for healthy workplaces and protesting proposed government changes to sick leave and cuts to public services. Here are some photos. Did your Local, worksite, Committee or Component organize an event? Send us a photo!
January 29, 2015 - 8:55am •
PSAC will be conducting a large poll of the membership as part of its ongoing process to ensure that your voices are heard and that your priorities are reflected in the work of our union.Environics Research Group, a well-known and respected polling firm, will be conducting the online survey for PSAC, asking questions about union priorities.
January 29, 2015 - 8:53am •
Vince Rigby is frustrated. The former peacekeeper and Cape Breton resident recently told the Cape Breton Post, "I haven't got a counsellor any more so I have no idea what treatments are out there available to me.”Rigby lives in one of nine cities across Canada where the government shut down Veterans Affairs offices a year ago. This has meant that veterans in Corner Brook, Charlottetown, Sydney, Thunder Bay, Windsor, Saskatoon, Kelowna and Prince George have lost access to crucial in-person services.
January 16, 2015 - 1:18pm •
On behalf of the 17,500 PSAC members that live and work in BC, it gives me great pleasure to endorse the Fight for $15 Minimum Wage Campaign that is being coordinated by the BC Federation of Labour.An increase to the minimum wage will help reduce poverty and inequality in our province - one of the richest in Canada - and will have a positive impact on the economy.
January 14, 2015 - 2:18pm •
PSAC BC sent our biggest delegation yet to a BC Federation of Labour Convention this year. Delegates debated resolutions, rallied for a $15/hour minimum wage, networked and forged strong ties with the broader labour movement, and witnessed history being made as Irene Lanzinger was elected as the first woman president of the BC Federation of Labour.
January 14, 2015 - 11:04am •
Robyn Benson, PSAC National President, talks to Rick Gibbons on CFRA Radio in Ottawa about the ongoing negotiations with the federal government, sick leave, the upcoming election, and year ahead for federal public sector workers.
January 13, 2015 - 9:04am •
PSAC members can log in to the website to get news about their employer, their collective agreement, and contact information for their region, component or local.We launched our improved member information dashboard in December.
January 12, 2015 - 12:01pm •
I attended the BC Federation of Labour Convention for the first time in 2014 as a young worker and the only delegate from my component.  I found it to be a very different experience given that it was primarily focussed on private sector unions and I work in a public sector union.
December 24, 2014 - 9:05am •
Thanks to Liz Oliphant (on the left in the photo), BC Regional Council South Island Coordinator & young worker for this report from the BC Fed Convention ...I had the opportunity to attend this year’s BC Federation of Labour Convention in Vancouver from November 24-28th.    This was my first BCFed convention and it was exciting to attend as a young worker delegate.  I also had the chance to participate in the Young Worker Mock Convention that was hosted the Sunday before convention.


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