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Political Action

Our union, along with concerned Canadians in communities across the country, has been working hard to save public services and protect jobs. We are all affected by cuts to services, and we must all take action to defend the public services PSAC members provide to Canadians.

This section contains news and information about PSAC's political action program in British Columbia. Visit the national website for background and more information on our campaigns.

May 2, 2014 - 3:13pm •
I would like to thank all and congratulate all the PSAC members who participated in our provincial Day of Action. And, of course, all the members who worked hard to help organize the event by plant gating, desk dropping, and coordinating the delivery of signs. Please pass this message on!We showed our employers – and our fellow members – yesterday that we are united, ready, and committed to defending public services, our collective agreements, and our working conditions. When we all work together, we are indeed a force to be reckoned with.
May 1, 2014 - 11:38am •
On May 1, 1886 a general strike was called in the United States at a time when the right to organize and strike did not exist.A peaceful mass meeting at Haymarket Square in Chicago that followed was broken up by the police and led to the hanging of four labour leaders.
April 30, 2014 - 3:07pm •
The Conservative federal government has launched an unprecedented attack on the retirement security of all Canadians. Their proposal is to push target benefit pension plans on federally-regulated workers that have defined benefit plans. This proposal was made on April 24, 2014 by the Minister of State for Finance, Kevin Sorenson who announced that rushed consultations on its proposal will be held. This proposal would also require the amendment of federal pension laws.
April 16, 2014 - 9:19am •
April 9, 2014 - 8:11am •
On May 1st PSAC members across BC will congregate outside of their worksites and hold signs that say "Standing Together for Public Services, Standing Together for Fairness”. It’s time to send a message to the government: We are united, ready and committed to defending our collective agreements, public services, and our working conditions.Why? Because we know this government is determined to try to take away as many of our negotiated benefits as possible.  That’s the example they’re setting. 
April 1, 2014 - 10:32am •
How do the Conservative government's plans for sick leave affect you? How does this impact our bargaining? How can we work together to keep our negotiated benefits?PSAC BC will be hosting a live and interactive Telephone Town Hall on bargaining and sick leave Monday April 7th at 7PM Pacific Time.
March 31, 2014 - 10:52am •
The Western Regional Summer Institute for Union Women (SIUW) offers an intensive week of learning within a supportive environment in which union women can develop their skills as workers, activists and leaders.  Hosted by the British Columbia Federation of Labour, the Institute will be held at the University of Victoria (UVIC).
March 28, 2014 - 12:21pm •
Together, we can save sick leave. The Conservative government wants to strip away sick leave rights and is thinking of contracting out the management of the sick leave system. We say that unless this government wants to talk about improving what we already have, we aren’t interested.
March 28, 2014 - 9:10am •
For decades, Canada has relied on migrant workers to help develop the economy. Many come through the government’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). This program was intended to fill very specific jobs on a short term basis—jobs that required workers and skills that did not exist in the country.  But since 2006, the Harper government has made it much easier for employers of all kinds to use migrant workers. It’s like they’ve built a pipeline that can be easily tapped into. 
March 20, 2014 - 4:24pm •
Re: Strike at Port of VancouverAs you will have heard, the Provincial government is threatening to force striking truckers (members of Unifor) back to work through the implementation of legislation.  Working with Unifor we are organizing a rally to oppose the governments’ action.  Please encourage as many members, staff and supporters to participate in this rally.


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