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Our PSAC/UCTE Bargaining Team met  with the employer November 22-24, 29-30 and December 1, 2016.  While some progress was made during this time unfortunately it came to a halt on December 1st . The Team provided a comprehensive proposal that addressed all of the outstanding items including a fair monetary proposal that reflected the value of the work members perform at YVR. The employer chose not to respond and broke off bargaining. PSAC/UCTE will now apply for the assistance of a Federal Mediation Conciliation Officer.

Minister Judy Foote has admitted that 700 compensation advisors should not have been laid off before the Phoenix launch, saying savings were sought at the expense of employees.

The Minister of Public Services and Procurement spoke yesterday to the House of Commons committee on Government Operations and Estimates, which is studying the Phoenix pay system. She also acknowledged that many good ideas on how to fix Phoenix have come from union members.

In the Fall 2016 Auditor General’s report, Canada’s spending watchdog Michael Ferguson sends a strong message to the federal government: better long-term funding is urgently needed to improve public services and ensure they are built around citizens, not processes.

The CCABC $10/day Childcare Plan offers a concrete, innovative ‘made in BC’ solution to the child care crisis facing families with young children. Across British Columbia, supporters of this $10 a Day Plan are working to ensure that child care is a central issue for governments.

Find out how you can support and endorse the plan by visiting www.10aday.ca/endorse or by sending a text to 604-670-4911 with the word 'sign' as your message.

Together we can make affordable child care a reality in BC.

PSAC is taking the ongoing campaign to ban asbestos directly to the Prime Minister.

National President Robyn Benson launched the union’s new ban asbestos postcard initiative during PSAC’s National Health and Safety conference in Montreal last weekend.

If you are a steward who wants to increase your knowledge, skills and expertise or if you aspire to become a PSAC steward, then these on-line learning modules were developed specifically for you.
