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 Almost 25 years ago, the Supreme Court of Canada confirmed that federal public service employees have a constitutional right to engage in political activity. At that time, the Public Service Employment Act did not allow these employees to take part in any political activities except casting their vote.

The Court agreed that political activity is consistent with the Charter of Rights and Freedom’s guarantee of freedom of expression to individuals.

In many ways unions, PSAC included, and the United Way share similar visions: we improve lives, build stronger communities, create positive social change, and speak out for those who at times find it difficult to speak for themselves. Our partnership is based on shared values.

Check out this video that showcases some of the great work the UWLM does, thanks to the support of PSAC members and Locals.


Musqueam Territory – Vancouver, British Columbia – Yesterday, representatives from the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) and Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) celebrated the ratification of their collective agreements after two years of negotiations. These agreements were reached on March 27, 2015 and May 28, 2015, respectively, and mark a historic milestone for the three parties as the first collective agreements of their kind in Canada.

To: PSAC BC Young Workers, posted on behalf of Vanessa Miller, BC Regional Council Young Worker Coordinator
We hope you agree that the upcoming Federal Election is pretty important, and one young workers needs to have an active part in!
To help, we are spreading the word about this CLC webinar called, #YouthVote2015: Better strategies to talk to young people about voting. The webinar will examine barriers to voting, some myths and truths, and strategies about young voter turnout.

The Public Service Alliance of Canada is today launching a nationwide campaign to remind Canadians about the impact of cuts to public services before they vote in the federal election.

At the 2015 PSAC national convention, delegates directed the union to campaign and raise public awareness about the impact of cuts to public services by the Harper Conservatives.

The Conservative government has been working steadily to undermine and eliminate workplace rights in the federal government.

It’s time for a change.
