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PSAC/UPCE Local 20095 members have begun bargaining with Purolator Inc. this week - we're at the table May 13th through 17th.

PSAC members at Purolator are wearing their "I support my bargaining team" red bracelets all week.

If you're a Local 20095 member and haven't got your bracelet yet, contact us at Purolator-Bargaining@psac-afpc.com and we'll put you in touch with your worksite Purolator Coordinating Committee member so you can get yours!

PSAC members in BC who are entitled to vote are reminded that the Election Act allows for four consecutive hours free from employment during voting hours on General Voting Day for the purpose of voting. Voting hours on General Voting Day are 8AM to 8PM, Pacific time.

Now that Treasury Board has presented a final offer to the FB Bargaining Team, it’s time for them to also return to the TC Bargaining Table.

Since the TC Public Interest Commission made its recommendations public in mid-January, PSAC has indicated our willingness to return to the bargaining table using the report as a roadmap to a negotiated settlement.

1.  What is an Essential Services Agreement (ESA)?


An ESA is a written agreement between the Union and the employer that certain work duties are essential to the safety and security of the public and must continue during a strike.  ESA's are required by the Public Service Labour Relations Act (PSLRA)

The following is re-posted from Headwinds, a blog written by the PSAC Alliance Executive Committee - the National President, National Executive Vice-President and seven Regional Executive Vice-Presidents. Read more of their thoughts on the issues that affect PSAC members and all Canadians at aec-cea.ca and watch for more from Bob - we plan to make this a regular feature here at the regional website.

These conferences are an opportunity for our members to continue the important work of maintaining and improving the militancy and activism of the Union in the struggle to improve the human rights and working conditions of all PSAC members.
