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With National Public Service Week just around the corner I would like to remind members in BC of the boycott that is in place. I have recently received information that some of our members are involved in organizing events with the employer and are planning to attend functions. 

In the summer of 2012, our members started hearing rumours that Treasury Board was planning to start paying employees “pay in arrears”. This means that instead of being paid in real time, you would be paid for the two preceding weeks. Eventually, when you leave your employment, you will be paid the final two weeks owing to you. No matter how you look at it, this would create a hardship for our members because in order to implement the new system, the employer is going to have to hold back two weeks of pay.

It's not too late to apply!

Our Young Workers Caucus is growing in BC, and our two newly created Young Workers Committees want to ensure they are planning events, actions, and campaigns that are important to you.Take a few short minutes to fill out this survey and tell us what you think - and for that you could win some cool PSAC swag items - winners will be contacted by June 14, 2013 and given a choice of items to choose from.

Thanks to Kelly Megyesi and Heather DuDoward for this report from the 2013 BC Regional Women's Conference. Scroll down for some photos!

The 2013 PSAC BC Regional Women’s Conference was held May 3,4,5 in Vancouver. We chose an aboriginal theme so as to address two resolutions passed at the 2012 Triennial Convention.

Collective bargaining for a new contract for TC members has taken too long. Little progress is being made at the table.  PSAC filed for the appointment of a Public Interest Commission this year, and the Commission issued a majority report that supported many of PSACs proposals.  But the employer has so far rejected our requests to return to the bargaining table.
