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The Public Service Alliance of Canada extends its solidarity to Albertans, including PSAC members who have suffered losses during the flooding in Southern Alberta.  During a visit to Calgary last weekend, I witnessed the impact of the floods on our members, their families and their communities. This is one of the most serious disasters to hit Canada in many years and PSAC is determined to work with all of our members and other labour organizations to coordinate a response.

We are happy to announce that a tentative agreement has been reached with Purolator Inc. Your bargaining team is confident in recommending this deal to the membership. More information to follow at ratification meetings, details to be posted as soon as it becomes available.

The bargaining team sincerely thanks all of the members for your support efforts during this round of bargaining!

The Senate has voted to amend Bill C-377, making major changes to a deeply flawed piece of legislation that singles out unions to provide detailed and intrusive reports to the Canada Revenue Agency. The amended Bill will now go back to the House of Commons in the fall.

Ottawa – The Public Service Alliance of Canada and Canada Post have signed a memorandum of agreement that will see long-awaited pay equity cheques begin to be issued in August.

“PSAC started this process in 1983 with a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission and has stuck with it through literally hundreds of days of Tribunal hearings and numerous court battles,” says PSAC national president Robyn Benson.  “Now the members are finally going to get what they have deserved for so long.”

PSAC/UPCE Local 20095 is at the bargaining table with Purolator Inc. again this week and members are sporting "I support my bargaining team" stickers and temporary tattoos. Here are some photos - thanks to everyone who sent them in!


Let's make 2013 Victoria Pride Parade the biggest PSAC participation that the island has ever seen!

The Vancouver Island Human Rights Committee would like to invite all Locals and PSAC members on Vancouver Island to march together as a PSAC convoy in the upcoming Victoria Pride Parade July 7, 2013. In the past years, we have marched behind multi-union convoys but we would like to encourage more PSAC locals and committees to come out, show support and march together.
