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How can the government possibly justify $50,000 in bonuses for deputy ministers while thousands of public-service positions and services are eliminated?

As bargaining between PSAC/UCTE Local 20221 (members working directly for YVR) and the Airport Authority ramps up, the bargaining team has prepared a series of issue papers designed to inform members around key issues at the table. Here's  Issue Paper #2 - Flexible Hours.

Issue: Flexible Hours

Article 27.10

Union Proposal:

A possible labour disruption could cause delays for travelers arriving or departing from Vancouver airport in the near future, as negotiations between the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)/Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE) Local 20221, representing two bargaining units at the airport, and their employers has slowed down.

Approximately 70 members of Public Service Alliance of Canada who fuel planes at Vancouver International Airport have voted overwhelmingly to engage in strike action at YVR, should it be necessary.

“Overwhelmingly is actually an understatement,” said Bob Jackson, Regional Executive Vice-President for BC, “Our members gave PSAC a 100% strike mandate.”

As bargaining between PSAC/UCTE Local 20221 (members working directly for YVR) and the Airport Authority ramps up, the bargaining team has prepared a series of issue papers designed to inform members around key issues at the table. Here's  Issue Paper #1 - Pay Administration - Green Circling.

Issue:                        Pay Administration – Green Circling

Article 18.05

Employer Proposal:


Over the next few months, members and allies of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community will celebrate their identities and the great victories of the last 20 years.

The PSAC is proud of the victories that we have won through collective bargaining, litigation and mobilization for GLBT members. Together, we will overcome the many obstacles that remain to real equality and justice for all.
