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The Union representing workers employed directly by the Vancouver Airport Authority has served 72 hour strike notice at the airport.

Job action could begin as soon as Friday, August 30.

Approximately 300 members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada/Union of Canadian Transportation Employees Local 20221 provide key services such as emergency response, international arrivals customer care, runway maintenance, airfield & approach lighting, passenger loading operations, maintenance and administrative services at the airport.

via the PSAC BC Regional Council Environment Committee

Please take a moment to sign and share this important petition!

Imagine a place where companies can take as much water as they want. They don’t need to ask permission from government or the community. And they don’t have to pay any fees for the water they use. Sound unbelievable?

Well, it’s not – at least not in British Columbia.

After more than two years of protracted and often difficult negotiations, your TC Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement with Treasury Board on August 1st. For more information about the tentative agreement, and to view the the ratification kit, visit the PSAC national website.

Here in BC, the ratification process will take place August 19th through September 18th, and we expect to announce the results of the vote on September 19th.

A possible strike could cause delays for travelers arriving or departing from VancouverAirportin the near future, as workers represented by the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)/Union of Canadian Transportation Employees (UCTE) have voted overwhelmingly in favour of job action.

“Workers at the airport voted 83 percent in favour of strike action last week.” said Bob Jackson, PSAC Regional Executive Vice President for BC, ”PSAC members are united behind their Bargaining Team and prepared to walk the picket line if necessary.”

TO: National Board of Directors

FROM: Robyn Benson

RE: CLC Leaders’ Seminars 2013

As many of you know, the Canadian Labour Congress is inviting locals of affiliates  to attend regional seminars as part of its Together Fairness Works campaign. The purpose of the seminar is to provide information about the campaign and to train locals in initiating member-to-member education. (See below for more information from the CLC.)

Next Up is a leadership program for young adults committed to social and environmental justice.
