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PSAC has asked Treasury Board to provide a definitive answer about their plans to implement pay in arrears and what they intend to do to protect PSAC members from the impact of any changes.

The union has continued to discuss the matter with Treasury Board over the summer and we remain positive that the issue can be resolved so that our members do not suffer financial hardship.

The Environment Committee of the BC Regional Council encourages PSAC members to participate in events on World Rivers Day, Sept 29th.

Unfortunately, for too many Canadians, retirement isn't easy. Pensions need to be made better not worse, to ensure a post-work life with dignity and health care security.

Reportedly, the federal government wants to make changes to the Public Service Health Care Plan. This plan was part of a negotiated agreement; federal employees made concessions in exchange for what was promised. Now the government wants to go back on their promise, doubling health insurance costs and reducing seniors' finances.

PSAC is happy to announce that a new Collective Agreement has been ratified by members of UCTE Local 20221, members employed directly by the Airport Authority.

The new contract, which expires in December 2016 includes wage increases, an increase to the extended health plan, improvements to family related leave and improvements to language regarding casual part-time employees.

The Canada Post Corporation (CPC) provided your bargaining team with a final offer on September 16, 2013. Your bargaining team does not agree with this offer and will pursue every avenue available to seek improvements. This offer does not mean that bargaining should stop, or that it is not possible to achieve something more.

The ballots have been counted and a majority of members of the Technical Services (TC) group have voted in favour of the tentative agreement with Treasury Board.  After two years of bargaining, PSAC and Treasury Board finally agreed to the settlement in August. 

The new Collective Agreement will be retroactive to June 22, 2011, and will expire on June 21, 2014.

The TC Bargaining Team would like to thank all TC members for their patience and support during this long and difficult round of bargaining.
