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On behalf of REVP-B.C. Bob Jackson, we are pleased to announce that the 6th B.C. Regional Triennial Convention of the Public Service Alliance of Canada will be held at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, 900 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C. from Friday, April 25th to Sunday, April 27th, 2014 under the theme We Are All Affected: Standing Together, Standing Strong.

Bill C-4, the budget implementation act:

(Ottawa) October 29, 2013 – Leaders of the federal public sector unions (the National Joint Council bargaining agents) met yesterday and released the following statement on the government’s proposed changes to federal labour relations legislation:

The federal public sector bargaining agents call on the government to withdraw its sweeping and unfair changes to federal labour relations legislation from its omnibus budget implementation act. Instead, the government should engage in real consultation on legislation to improve labour relations.

The latest budget implementation act put forward by the Harper Conservatives, will dramatically change health and safety laws for workers under federal jurisdiction. It represents a fundamental shift that will make federal workplaces more dangerous, and make it more difficult for workers to refuse dangerous work.

PSAC held a press conference on Friday, October 25, speaking out against the changes to labour law contained in the Budget Implementation Act. We received extensive media coverage, including the following articles:

The lives of almost one million Canadian workers will be placed in danger as a result of cynical amendments that the Conservative government is making to the Canada Labour Code. Buried deep in the government’s latest budget bill tabled on October 22 are amendments to the health and safety provisions of the Code that have nothing to do with balancing the budget, and everything to do with putting workers’ lives at risk.
