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Sisters, Brothers, and Friends,

We have a tradition at our Regional Conventions, in which we hold a moment of silence to honour those who are no longer with us. I invite PSAC Locals and Activists to send to my office the names of PSAC BC region members who have passed away since our last Regional Convention in June 2017 so that we can add their names to the honour roll.

Please send those names to Patrick Bragg, Political Communications Officer (BraggP@psac-afpc.com) by Friday April 20, 2020.

In Solidarity,

The CMHC Granville Island bargaining team, consisting of Tony Barrow, Sandy Scott, Steven Chen, Verda Cook, and Maxime Thibault-Gingras met with the employer February 18-20 in Vancouver to begin bargaining a new collective agreement. The current collective agreement expires March 31, 2020.
