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Due to COVID-19, the PSAC offices in Vancouver and Victoria are closed until March 31st, at which time we will assess the situation. All PSAC staff in the region are working remotely to respond to any inquiries and the office phones are still in operation - contact PSAC BC at the numbers below or click for the staff contact list.

Vancouver RO: tel: (604) 430-5631 | toll-free: 1 (800) 663-1655
Victoria RO: tel: (250) 953-1050 | toll-free: 1 (866) 953-1050

As the number of reported cases of the coronavirus rise in Canada, it is important that PSAC take precautions and act proactively to safeguard the health and safety of our members, staff, and the Canadian public. In keeping with recommendations from both local and national health authorities, our union has made the difficult decision to suspend activities that would require a large gathering of members.

To that end, PSAC Regional Conventions for the NCR, Québec and B.C. have been postponed until further notice.

** Strike votes and union events have been suspended until further notice: please read this important message regarding PSAC's response to the COVID-19 situation **

This is central location for members in the Treasury Board, Canada Revenue Agency, CFIA, Parks Canada and CBSA bargaining units to find important information about bargaining, the strike vote process and potential strike actions.
