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The PSAC BC Regional Council is pleased to offer up to five (5) subsidies to PSAC BC members who are delegates to the Canadian Labour Congress Convention which takes place in Vancouver, May 4 to 8 2020. Applicants must be credentialled delegates to the CLC Convention and subsidy amounts will be allocated per Regulation 7 of the PSAC BC Bylaws. Click for more information and an application form.

The deadline for receipt of CLC Convention subsidy applications is 4:30PM PT on March 13, 2020.

PSAC BC has joined over 170 national and provincial organizations in signing the joint Pharmacare Now Statement calling on all parties to work together to implement universal, public pharmacare within this government’s mandate.

** Strike votes and union events have been suspended until March 30: please read this important message regarding PSAC's response to the COVID-19 situation **

Here is the REVP report, meeting and teleconference call minutes, and meeting agenda presented at the January 2020 PSAC BC Regional Council meeting. Regional Coordinators were not required to make a written report for this meeting.
