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Treasury Board

There are approximately 12,000 PSAC members in BC who work for the Treasury Board, in a huge variety of jobs. Here is a collection of news and bargaining information related to Treasury Board. For more information visit the national website.

October 31, 2017 - 12:32pm •
Kamloops – Federal public service workers and allies will gather outside Cathy McLeod's office at a rally calling on the federal government to take the measures necessary to ensure public service workers are paid correctly and on time.
October 31, 2017 - 12:20pm •
PSAC is taking swift action in response to Treasury Board’s admission that it will not be meeting the implementation deadline for the PA, SV, TC and EB collective agreements. On behalf of the over 100,000 workers covered by these agreements, PSAC will file a complaint with the federal Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board
October 31, 2017 - 10:00am •
PSAC members in communities across the province took action against the Phoenix pay system and other issues during October and early November. Here are some photos and reports from around the region.
October 20, 2017 - 12:15pm •
October 10, 2017 - 9:11am •
Recently, Treasury Board informed us that they will no longer provide our members in the public service with printed copies of their collective agreements. PSAC has filed a policy grievance in response.
September 25, 2017 - 10:40am •
PSAC will soon begin the process to negotiate improvements to the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP).  As we prepare for these negotiations, we want to hear from you to better understand what changes you’d like to see.  Please fill out this survey to tell us what’s most important to you. 
September 7, 2017 - 10:08am •
Kelowna – Federal public service workers and allies will gather outside Stephen Fuhr's constituency office at a rally calling on the federal government to take the measures necessary to ensure public service workers are paid correctly and on time. “Federal government workers in Kelowna worry constantly about whether or not they will receive a correct pay cheque, or one at all.” says Eddy Bourque, National President of the Canada Employment and Immigration Union. “We are calling on the government to fix their payroll system once and for all.”


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